

We are fortunate to have amazing partners in our journey of bringing healthcare services to folks who do not have access to even basic medical facilities. Without the help of these kind souls we could not have got started!
Neelima Thota

Neelima Thota

Smt. Hari Chandana Dasari, IAS

Smt. Hari Chandana Dasari

Sunita & Venkat Reddy Cheruku


Jim Thomas

Venugopal Rao

Venugopal Rao

Hari Narayan Bhattad

Hari Narayan Bhattad

Abhijit Banerjee

Aamrapali Sharma

Aamrapali Sharma

Vikaash Khdloya

Vikas Khadloya

Rajeshwar Kataria

Rajeshwar Kataria

Gorkey Vemulapalli

Gorkey Vemulapalli